Grades 1-4 will receive standards-based report cards at the end of the first, second, and third trimesters. Academic performance on grade level standards and Engaged Learner Characteristics marks will be reported in all three trimesters.
The following keys will be used to report performance levels:
Performance Level Key
M = Consistently meeting or extending the standard
P = Progressing toward understanding the standard but requires practice and support
L = Limited understanding of the standard; experiences difficulty and requires consisten practice and support
NA = Not assessed at this time
Engaged Learner Characteristics Key
A = Always
S = Sometimes
R = Rarely
Students in grades 1-4 will also receive a summary of their benchmark results (MAP Reading and Math) each trimester. That information will be summarized as:
Benchmark Levels
Above Benchmark: 76th percentile or higher
At Benchmark: 40th-75th percentile
On Watch: 26th-39th percentile
Below Benchmark: 25th percentile and below
MAP Family Reports will accompany the report cards for a more detailed description of each child's strengths and areas for growth in reading and math.